
38 Week Pregnancy Update

My due date is rapidly approaching...I am currently 38.5 weeks pregnant with baby girl Kelly (her first name is a secret) and can hardly wait to hold her in my arms!! This pregnancy has flown by and I feel blessed with how relatively easy it has been. I have felt great, been able to keep up with most of my workouts, had no major aches or pains, and have remained healthy, even through flu season. I think I could do this a few more times :)

Total Weight Gain: 26 lbs. Which I think has definitely helped make this pregnancy feel a lot easier then my first. My first pregnancy (which was 18 months ago) I gained a total of 43 lbs with my son. I was active, and exercised regularly, but I pretty much ate whatever I wanted. So by 38 weeks I felt pretty huge and uncomfortable. Where as with this pregnancy I don't feel as heavy, achy, and uncomfortable. I also have slept better this time around, and had less lower back pain (with the help of frequent trips to the Chiropractor) and no digestion or heartburn issues. I have learned a lot this second time around as far as what to eat and how much to eat. You only need an extra 300-400 calories in the second and third trimesters to help nourish baby. 300-400 calories is basically one extra snack a day, that is it! I just simply listened to by body, when I was hungry I ate and when I was pleasantly full I stopped, ate lots of smoothies, veggies and tried to eat protein at every meal.

What's in my Hospital Bag: I will be delivering at the same hospital again. We had a great first expereince there and hope to have a similar one a second time. I will be doing a natural delivery (Lord willing) again without pain meds or intervention. We will have our same amazing Doula, who will be there to assist my husband and help make this labor and delivery as comfortable and smooth as possible!

Here are a few things I have packed in my bag:
-Essential oils (lavendar, balance, wild orange) plus my diffuser. I use many of these on a daily basis!
-2 Nursing Tanks (from Target) I lived in these last time for the first month
-Cute new pj bottoms (Target) I like to treat myself to new pj bottoms since I will be wearing them for the first few weeks!
-Black yoga pants 
-open black cardigan (hospitals are cold!)
-warm socks (my feet get cold easily)
-Flip flops
-Makeup bag (with a few cosmetics..tinted moisturizer, concealer, mascara)
-personal care items: lotion, face wash, tooth brush, comb, hair tie, deodorant, organic nipple balm (start applying right away!! Ouch) 
-EOS lip balm 
-black granny underwear (comfy and won't show blood stains!)
-My "Jesus Calling" devotional book, I need encouragement in the midst of hard labor!!
-phone charger (can't forget this one for all the pictures & videos we will take!)
-swaddle blanket for baby girl
-going home outfit for baby girl 
The hospital has lots of stuff for baby like diapers, wipes, swaddles, you really don't need much for them! Take and use all the free stuff you can...

Soaking up the sweet moments with my firstborn...

Some of my favorite Maternity Looks
It has been fun for me to find new ways to wear non-maternity clothes as my bump has been growing. 

We are so excited to meet our sweet baby gir soon and reveal her name to the world! It's been hard keeping it a secret, but I can't wait to announce it to the world on her Birthday...which ever day she decides she is ready to come :) 

We are truly greatful for Gods's great blessings on our family and that he has made me a mom for a second time! The gift of motherhood is such an amazing and challenging thing, I am so honored I get to be their mama. I know there will be some hard days ahead, but I wouldn't want to be doing anything else...

Thanks for following me on this awesome  journey!! 



A Dream Realized

I am so excited to announce that a dream I have had for over 10 years has been realized! It has been on my heart for many years to open up my own apparel boutique. I studied Fashion Merchandising in college, and always dreamed of owning my own business in the fashion industry. But, it never seemed to be the right time. Moving across the country to Denver, jobs, switching careers, getting married, losing my Mom, and starting a family. All these circumstances, and of course God's hand and perfect timing have lead me to where I am today. 

This season just felt like the right time to open my personal styling boutique, Blume. Crazy, I now! I am currently 37 weeks pregnant with my second child, I have an 18 month old son, I'm a wife and homemaker...how will I find the time to run this business and manage to have a life?  Yet, with all these different roles, I still have total peace about this new adventure of being an entrepreneur!! We will make sure to take everything one day at a time, and listen to God as he leads us through every decision

My sister-in-law, Melissa is my partner we have had so much fun planning, buying, and learning to build this business from scratch. I am so thankful for her skills and friendship! It has been a lot of hard work, time spent on the computer, endless phone calls, late nights and early mornings, but we are really excited and encouraged to see what God wants to do with this business!

The idea behind our name Blume, came from the hope to reach out to other busy mom's and women who need help finding their own personal style, and the convenience of shopping online. We want to help them Blossom into the woman God created them to be. By looking and feeling your best, we feel like it is easier to be the best wife, mom, sister, friend, and daughter! We want to be an encouragement to other women, by being authentic, and transparent. We don't have it all together, nor will we ever! We are just mom's who love fashion, helping others, and want to own a family business. We hope this is made apparent in the way to conduct ourselves and run our business!

Melissa and I after my baby shower..

So here we go...Blume is up and running.  

Shop our clothing at: Blume  
Follow us on Facebook
Instagram & Pinterest

I will be frequently posting style tips on www.shopblume.com, under the blog tab, as well as continuing to do my lifestyle blog, www.hautehomemaking.blogspot.com

Thank you for your love and support on this journey!! 
