
Pregnancy Update: 33 weeks

We are nearing the home stretch of this 
pregnancy! I am 33 weeks along and feeling good. Baby girl was estimated to weight 4.2 pounds at my 32 week ultrasound last week. It was fun to see her sweet face and moving all around. 

Total weight gain: 24lbs

Fitness: I am still able to run (with the help of my Fit belly band). I use the word "run" loosly though. It's more like a slow jog. But I'm not trying to win any races or break personal records at this point in my pregnancy. I am just happy it still feels good to get out there and hit the pavement a few days a week. Some days are harder then others. Some times my legs feel heavy, I have Braxton hicks contractions frequently throughout my runs, and somedays it is harder get motivated to get out the door, but I always feel better after I am done with my run! I definity sleep more soundly on the days that I active. 
I was also fitted for new running shoes. These were much needed, I ran my old ones to the ground! My new running shoes have more support, which is very important since I am putting more pressure and weight on my feet and joints as I get bigger. It's always fun and motivating when I get new gear. I will continue to jog a few days a week as long as it still feels good. But, I am fully expecting to have to cut back on miles and start walking at some point.

Cravings: fresh friut, smoothies, pop corn, and homemade almond butter on toast. I am continuing to try as eat as healthy as I can and  packing in the most beneficial nutrients in each meal! I want our baby to be getting all that she needs and not fill up on empty calories and junk. 

Big Brother...
Drake is going to be such an awesome big brother to his little sister! He loves to kiss my belly very sweetly and tenderly and lay his head on my bump and snuggle! I am not sure he is fully aware of what is going on but, he is very curious, yet very gentle!! 

I realize that my time of having an only child is numbered, so spending quality mommy time with my son before baby comes has been a priority. I am trying to enjoy each day with him and appreciate this special time together before the new baby arrives! I love him so much and cherish our special mother-son relationship!! 

We love to go for evening walks now that the weather is warmer and its light out longer! Drake loves to explore everything and wants to be outside all day long. As soon as he wakes up, he reaches for his shoes and heads for the door, reaching for the handle and saying "sunshine". He is such a big boy!! Our little mountain man...ready for his next adventure :)

Dating my Husabnd:

Putting my marriage first, above all else has been something I am constantly working on and striving to do better at! We are better parents for our son if we are making our marriage relationship a priority. Drake needs to see us loving each other well!
 This can be challenging though, with busy schedules, having a toddler, and being very pregnant. But, taking the time and effort to connect often and having alone time needs to happen frequently. For us that is after our son goes to bed, or the occasional date time we get a few times a month. A time when we are not talking about our son or work, or the new baby, but just catching up with each other and asking "how am I doing as a wife/husband lately?" This is so crucial to the health of our marriage! 
Our relationship is a work in progress, but we are definitely making it a priority to put each other's needs first. Also, just having fun and enjoying each other in the midst of this busy (about to become busier) season we are in!

I am a truly blessed woman, with such a loving husband, a healthy, growing son and another one on the way. Thank you Lord for these amazing gifts you have given to me!!


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