
Baby wearing

I am a first time mom and I would say one of the most important things I have learned since having my son is how much I value baby wearing! I researched a lot about kangaroo care and baby wearing before I gave birth and how significant it can be in an infant's development. Doing all my research convinced my husband and I that we wanted to implement this parenting technique with our son. 

Kangaroo care is a parenting technique that focus's on skin to skin contact with your infant everyday by way of baby wearing. Studies have shown that baby's are more content, sleep better, eat better and develop and adjust easier if they are given a significant amount of skin to skin contact everyday in the first few months of life. This can be done with both mom and dad!

So the baby carrier we decided to buy was the Boba Wrap. It is like a giant comfy t-shirt that wraps around you and baby to keep them close enough to hear your heartbeat. The best part of this wrap is that it is hands free! I was able to be close to my baby, give him skin to skin contact, but also get things done around the house at the same time. The laundry, dishes, cooking and cleaning were all easily completed as my baby slept soundly right on my chest in the Boba wrap. I thought this was pretty
much the best invention ever made. 

As my son grew bigger and was able to support his own head I started using the Ergo Baby carrier. This carrier is more structured and does not require any fancy tieing techniques. It also rests on your hips taking the pressure off your shoulders as you carry baby. I love to use the Ergo when we go on hikes, walking, or when I need to run into the store, I can quickly put the carrier on and place my son right in front of me. You can also put baby on your back using the Ergo, which is a nice option to always carrying baby in front, like with other carriers I have seen. 

Baby wearing has been a huge part of my son's life and he loves it! I am so thankful for both my Boba Wrap and Ergo Baby carrier. I strongly encourage you mom's out there to check out these carriers and see which one works best for you and your baby. I promise you won't regret this purchase!!

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