
Pregnancy Update: 17 weeks

I can't believe I am almost halfway through my pregnancy! Time has flown by these past few months. I must say having a toddler and it being the holidays has certainly kept me busy. At times I forget I am even pregnant! But then I look down and see my little bump and remember, oh yeah, there is a little person growing in there. 

Here are some updates about how the pregnancy has gone so far....

17 weeks (2nd pregnancy vs. my 1st)
Pretty darn close from the first pregnancy to the second. I have felt pretty much the same this time as I did last pregnancy. 

My Due date: May 24th

Weight gain so far: 4lbs ( I was super nauseous and lost weight the first trimester) I am trying to be mindful of what I am eating, maxinimizing calories I need to feed myself and baby in the healthiest way possible. If I want a cookie I eat one! Everything in moderation! 

Cravings: lots of carbs, (bread, cereal) protein (turkey, beef, peanut butter). Citrus fruit, (oranges and grapefruit.) I think my strangest craving has been a meatball sub from Subway! I never have eaten a meatball sub before but, a few weeks ago I wanted one everyday! 

Baby's Gender: We will find out the sex of the baby in January! We are excited to know if it's going to be another boy or a girl. I am a planner and would love to know what to buy and how to decorate.

Maternity Fashion: what I am wearing most these days...
-when I am at home, yoga pants, or my running capris, they are comfy and stretchy!
-leggings (faux leather or printed) & skinny jeans
-loose tunics and sweaters
-wearing what I can while I still can! I am not quite ready for all my maternity jeans and tops. I have plenty of time to wear those when my bump gets bigger :)

Workouts: now that my energy has returned, I am enjoying working out again! I love staying active and knowing that my baby will also benefit from exercise.

My daily workouts consist of one of the following: 
-walking/jogging on treadmill for at least 30 mins
- Tracy Anderson pregnancy project DVD (holy butt workout!!) 
-lifting weights focusing on my arms, shoulders, back, glutes, and legs
-And of course, lifting, carrying, chasing and playing with my 24lb, 13 month old son all day! It's a great arm toning workout :)

I feel truly blessed by the fact that I get to help nurture and grow this chid in my body! I want to do the best that I can with this. But, most of all I want to cherish this special time, with my husband, with my son,,and every moment God has blessed me with this gift of motherhood! 

1 comment:

beinspiredliving said...

You look fabulous and I'm glad you're feeling better!