
Reflecting on 2014

Looking back on this past year I can't help but be thankful for all the things my family and I have been blessed with! A beautiful, healthy son, our home, four wonderful years of marriage, loving family and friends, the list goes on. Yet it's so easy sometimes to take all these things for granted. Wishing we have more or our circumstances were somehow different. I am reminded this holiday season and as another year comes to a close, the importance of thankfulness and contentment. 

Being thankful for all my circumstances, and all that I have can really have an affect on my my heart and my daily attitude. I want to wake up each day with a sense of graditude for all that God has given to me. Being grateful for the little blessings each day, like being able to stay at home and care for my son. For all the friends that have been brought into my life. For a loving, supportive husband. For the sun shining, and waking up to another day. 

I hope to live out 2015 with a sense of purpose each day, to be thankful for ALL the things going on in my life, and to love others as Jesus has loved me, unconditionally! 

Here are a few of our 2014 highlights:

Drake's first time at the beach in Florida at 3 months.

Running my half marathon in Estes Park 8 months after giving birth.

Drake's baby dedication to the Lord at our church in July.

Our family mountain getaway to Beaver Creek

Lots of visits to the zoo, Drakee loves the animals!

Our first trip to San Francisco to visit with family!

Surprise!! We're pregnant!! 

Drake turns 1!!

First visit with Santa

2014 was quite a year! We are very hopeful and expectant for what 2015 will bring!! Wishing you all a very blessed and Happy New Year :)



Aunt Anne said...

Hi Pretty. How do you find time to do all that you do and then blog also. I so appreciated your thoughts on 2014. My how time does fly. As the Bible says: generations come and generations go but the word of the Lord lives forever. This is such a youthful growing time for the Brian Kelly family and I know that God blesses you each and every time you submit to Him in all circumstances. I pray often for you guys trusting that He is leading in your marriage and with the loving and training up of your children. I am truly grateful that your family is able to be with you guys on special occasions. I hope that I finally can come visit this coming summer. Loving you all so much, I am your Aunt Anne.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful year 2014 was! You're so right about the importance of reflecting on the small things, the precious things, the things we take for granted and often forget. Thanks for such a sweet highlight of the Kelly's year!

Here's to 2015!