
Our family vacation highlights

We had an awesome opportunity to go down to Florida to visit family for our spring break this year! It's was much needed time away for us as a family to relax, soak up the sun, and enjoy each other! It was so fun for us to watch our son explore the beach, play in the pool and just run around outside in the warm temperatures. He LOVED it down there! 

Here are a few of the highlights of our trip:

Drake enjoyed digging in the sand (took him a bit to get use to the sand, but then loved it, especially throwing it in his own hair)
Father and Son having fun in the sand
Drake loved exploring everything!! This boy has no fear!!
30 weeks pregnant!! Baring my bump on the beach. Baby girl liked the warm sun :)
He was fascinated by the water
Sunset family walks. We did a lot of walking which felt great to me getting lots of exercise! 
Mommy and Daddy had some alone time  at the pool! Brian and I had a few opportunity's for "just us" time during naps and a date night, when Papa watched our little man. It was so nice!!
Celebrated my 32nd birthday with a beautiful view and yummy, fresh, seafood! It was a wonderful way to spend my birthday. 

Reflecting back in our vacation week I am so thankful for the opportunity to travel, especially for our son! It is good for him to see new places (although he has been there before, but can't remember since he was only  3 months old at the time). It is so important to my husband and I that we expose our kids to new experiences, even when it takes little more effort getting there. Traveing with a toddler is no easy task, but the reward far out weights the challenge! Drake loves to fly and it's because we have traveled  several times since he has been born. 

The time away for us as a family is so crucial. It's important for us to relax, away from the streasors of work, and just have some fun together. Life is to short not to!! It is a time to really enjoy each other and make memories! We make it a priority to have family vacation time at least once or twice a year.

God has blessed our family immensely this year and we are so thankful for all that has been given to us!! Thanks for following along on this journey with us :)



Nienhuis Adventures said...

Such a blessing to get away to a warm place! Thanks for sharing the photos. My favorite is the one with Drake running off the pier - onto dry ground. Thankfully not into the water! ;)

Unknown said...

Looks like you guys had a great time with pop! Love all the photos!!