
January Fitness Challenge

A new month means a new fitness challenge! I decided for January I am going to do another squat challenge. It's easy to do in my own home gym, and takes no more than 5 mins each day to complete. So really I have no excuses!

I am just about 20 weeks pregnant and my fitness goals for the second half of my  pregnancy are to maintain my cardio fitness ( at least 45 mins of cardio 5 days a week) as well as focus on my leg, glutes, arm and back strength. By maintaining my fitness it will be much easier to get back to my pre-pregnancy shape, as well as make labor and delivery, and post pardom recovery that much easier! Plus, I just feel better all around when I am active and exercising. 

So I encourage all you mom's out there, pregnant or not to make 2015 the year you get active and make a fitness goal! Whether it's to run a race (5k or 10k) improve your strength, or try a new fitness activity, yoga, spinning, P90X. You and your family will be better for it!! 

So here is the squat challenge I will be completing this month. Feel free to join me and see your results come January 31!
Happy January!!


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