
Getting more organized

With the start of the new year I have been inspired to work on my organization throughout the house. It just makes life easier when my things are neat, sorted, and easily accessible. 

We made a trip to IKEA last week to get inspiration for decorating our house and look for a few organization items. I love that place, but a trip there is an event for us! Three hours later we emerged with a few random items: a play tent for our son (he lives that thing) only $20, a few small baskets to organize all my bathroom toiletries, and a scarf, hanger/organizer. 

This was what I was most excited about! I wasn't specifically looking for it but, when I saw it I knew I needed it! I have about 50 scarfs and I currently have them stored in bins and hanging from clothing hangers in my closet. It takes me a while sometimes to find that one I am looking for. But this hanger organizer allows we to keep them all together, hung in my closet, and displays them nicey to find the one I am looking for. The best part about this item; it was only $6.99! Sometimes it's the cheaper, simpler things in life that get me excited!! 

I love to share great finds with my friends. So check it out, and happy organizing!! :)


1 comment:

Nienhuis Adventures said...

Aww, I bet your boy does love that tent! So fun! When I was little, I had a rainbow tent that attached to my twin bed and I remember having so much fun with it!