
Pregnancy Update: 21 weeks

Baby Kelly has been cooking in the oven for 21 weeks already, we are halfway there!! 

Here is an update of how my pregnancy is going thus far...

21 weeks

Weight gain: 9lbs 

Cravings: Mainly sweet things. Fruit, chocolate, smoothies. Over the holidays all I wanted were cookies, or baked goods, which is so unlike me! I am usually a salty/savory person. But we had so many yummy treats in our house it was hard to resist. I've been trying not to
over indulge on sweets the last few weeks or pick a healthier alternative, like fruit. 

Baby's Gender: It's a Girl!! We found out last week and are thrilled. I must say though, I was convinced for a long time it was another boy since I have been feeling the same and look the same as my last pregnancy.

I can't wait to start shopping for little girl clothes, and add a few girly touches to the nursery. We will see if she will become a fashion lover like her mama some day!

Workouts: I feel great! I have lots of energy and my baby bump still isn't too big to do most exercises I normally do. I am definitely taking full advantage of my high energy levels in the second trimester,  because I know that will change late in my third trimester.

 Right now I am jogging/walking on my treadmill 45 mins, 3 days a week, and lifting weights and doing my Tracy Anderson pregnancy video 3 days a week. Making my workouts a priority each morning in order to maintain some of my fitness will greatly help with labor and delivery. The better shape your in, the easier it is to push baby out! 

Our birth plan: I had a natural birth (no pain medication or intervention) in the hospital with my son.  It went very smoothly, and I am so thankful for that! We are planning on doing the same with our daughter. 

We will have our Doula, Mary, who assisted in our first birth, with us again. She is amazing and helped facilitate a wonderful birth experience for my husband and I. I can't imagine giving birth without her help and guidance!! 

If you are planning a natural birth I highly recommend hiring a doula. Your husband will thank you for it! A doula is there is be your advocate with nurses/doctors, to help you achieve your birth plan, whatever that may be, and to assist your spouse with coaching/supporting you through your labor. My husband and I felt more confidant going into delivery at the hospital, as first time parents, because we had our Doula there with us. Helping us navigate through the whole process of labor and delivery.

My favorite maternity outfit: probably my yoga or workout pants. They are comfy, fit my bump nicely, and I can wear them out of the house while running errands. However, I am making a conscious effort to get dressed most days in something other than workout clothes! It's 
easy to fall into a rut and just throw on sweats each day cause they are comfy, easy, and in the winter time, are warm. But mama don't want to look frumpy! I always feel better when I have something cute on or have made an effort to get dressed for the day. Also, I know my husband appreciates my efforts :) 

An easy go-to maternity outfit: leggings, boots, and a long sweater (for the really cold days). Or distressed, skinny maternity jeans (I DIY'd a pair) a long sleeve top, (I love the Body by Gap tops) a scarf, with booties, or sneakers. 

 This time of year is when you find some great bargains on winter clothing, including maternity. I love the Gap, H&M and Target. 

Thanks for following me on this amazing journey of motherhood and pregnancy!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look great and glad you are feeling great too!