
28 week Update: 3rd Trimester is here!

It is the last day of February and the last day of my second trimester! Wow, this pregnancy is flying by. I know I have said that a lot but, it is so true!! I can't wait to meet our precious baby girl in 12 weeks. Yikes, I say that out loud and suddenly realize that day will be here much quicker than I realize. We still have a few things that need to get done before her arrival. But, one day at a time right?!

Here are a few things going into my 3rd Trimester I'm excited to share:

 Baby's Gender: 

Size of Baby: 
A head of cauliflower, roughly 16 inches long and weights about 2lbs.

Total Weight Gain

Belly Button in or out: 
It has officially poped out!

Still jogging a few days a week. I am also loving my workout DVD's at home and utilize afternoon nap time as my scheduled workout date everday. It's a great pick me up if I'm feeing a little tired and sluggish. My workouts help me feel less stiff at the end of the day! I am also enjoying doing yoga in the evenings as another way for me to stretch out after a long day. It really helps me relax, unwind, and allievates stiffness, especially in my lower back!

What I'm eating:
Smoothies! Everyday we eat at least one fruit/vegetable smoothie. We, meaning my son and even my husband (he is on board now) in order to pack in the most amount of vitamins, nutrients and good calories into one meal/snack. It's a great way to get enough veggies for the day, especially iron and floate rich spinach! I also add a scoop of Green Superfood which has wheatgrass, vitamins and other awesome plant based nutrients to our smoothies. 

Eating small meals throughout the day also helps me feel my best. I don't have much room in my stomach for big meals these days. If I over eat, I feel sick to my stomach, gassy, and sluggish. I am loving peanut butter & apple, turkey roll ups with hummus, pretzels and homemade guacamole, and protein shakes right now. These small meals/snacks all have great protein and keep me going throughout the day.

What I'm learning:
A sweet friend of mine just recently gave me a wonderful book called "The Power of a Praying Parent", by Stormie Omartian. I have been really encouraged by reading it and realized just how powerful prayer can be! It is so easy as a mom to be constantly worrying about my children. "What if this...happens to my son", or worrying about the health and development of our unborn daughter. But, if I just give those worries over to God and pray for and over my children instead of always thinking, and processing about the what ifs in life, I would be so much more at ease as I continue to grow as a parent.

I am definitely learning a lot being a mom of my toddler son and I for sure don't have it all figured out, nor will I ever! But,  it is a great comfort to me knowing that I don't have to have it all together and figured out. I can't be the mom God wants me to be without fully relying on Him to guide me through each day and every circumstance. I am learning to ask God to help me each day as a wife and a mom and I I know the only way to do this is through a lot of prayer! I want to be much more intentional about specifically praying for my Husband, son and daughter. I look forward to continuing to read this book and to see first hand the power of prayer!

Maternity clothes: 
Recently I bought a few cute dresses for spring from Gap and Target. I am doing some wishful thinking that by buying them it means spring will come sooner! I am ready for the warm weather to be here for good!! But, for now I will just layer my new dresses with leggings/tights, boots, jackets, and sweaters. Dresses are easy to wear and comfy with my growing belly.

Pregnancy is an amazing thing when you really stop and think about it. You are growing another life inside your body...wow, no wonder I'm so tired at the end of the day!! I will admit I have my selfish moments some days when I look at my changing, growing, body and get discouraged about getting bigger by the day. But, then I remember what a blessing it is that my body is capable of housing and nutureing our baby and that God so carefully designed my body to be that way. It is a special time and I want to intentionally think of each day as a blessing! 

Thanks for following along with me on this awesome, always adventurous journey of pregnancy, and as I am continually learning my roles as wife and mama :)



Stitch Fix

I decided to give Stitch Fix, an online monthly styling service a try in Janurary. I heard about it from a few fellow bloggers, and I thought it might be nice to let someone else be my stylist, since shopping is a bit more challenging with a toddler!

The online styling company sends you five new items each month based on a styling profile you fill out initially. You answer a questionnaire that asks all about your personal style, wardrobe needs, size and proportions, and budget. The more specific you are, the better idea their stylists have of your fashion wants and needs! So, I advise you to give detailed and accurate size information, as well as telling them what you are hoping to receive each month. That is the best way to ensure your getting what you want. 

There is a $20 per month styling fee, which is subtracted from whatever items you purchase that month. Included in the box is a stamped, return envelope for the items you do not want to keep. You have three business days to decide on what you want to keep. Then simply put the other items in the stamped envelope and send them back. It's very easy!

Each article of clothing and/or accessory also comes with a styling card giving you two outfitting suggestions for that item. The styling suggestion pictures helps give you a better idea of the items versatility and how to add it to your own wardrobe. I find that very helpful!

I received a very cute military style jacket,  prefect for spring in muly last box. I requested a jacket as one of the items they send me and I was very happy with the style and quality! I will definity be wearing it a lot the next several months as our crazy Colorado winter/spring weather keeps us on our toes! It's a great layering jacket!!
I am happy with my experience with Stitch Fix and will continue to use their monthly styling services and save myself a trip to the mall. Try it and let me know about your experiences! (Stitch Fix is not paying me nor am I benefitting from their services) I just love to tell my friends about fun, new, and easier ways to shop!

However, if you decide to use their styling services please use this link and referral code :) Thanks friends!



Fit splint Maternity support

I enjoy being active! Running, walking, lifting weights, yoga, Pilates, ect. Even when I am pregnant, I still like to enjoy all these activities. As my baby bump continues to grow however, these activities can become more challenging.

About a month ago I was introduced to the Fit Splint maternity support band. I had mentioned I was a runner and to a local baby/maternity boutique owner and she highly recommended this support band to me. It was designed by a local orthopedic Dr. to help active, pregnant women continue to do the exercise they love safely, and more comfortably. The splint can also be worn post-pregnancy to help with back support, posture, and allow Abdominal muscles heal and come back together quicker after labor. So it is very beneficial for any pregnant woman to use!

I can really feel a difference when I run with the fit splint! My belly doesn't bounce as much, which makes the jarring movements that come with running much less noticable. 

As I continue to grow I will also wear this support band for everyday activities to help support my back and hips. It has already proven to be a very worthwhile purchase! Best $50 you can spend pregnancy mama's. 

As always I love sharing the things I am learning with you all :)



Pregnancy update: 25 weeks

can't believe I have been pregnant for 6 months already! In a little over 3 months I'll be holding my sweet baby girl. I can't wait to meet her, kiss her sweet smelling head, and hold her tightly. 

I have enjoyed blogging about my pregnancy. It is a great way for me to look back, reflect, and remember all the moments that are so easily forgotten. What I was craving, how I felt, what I looked like each month. It's funny how quickly you forget all those details! 

So here are a few things that are happening in my 6th month of pregnancy:

Total weight gain: 15 pounds 

Cravings: the occasional chocolate, fruit, (especially oranges) and turkey. I have not had as many strong cravings this pregnancy. Maybe because I am constantly distracted by my toddler. I don't have time to run to diary queen or chick-fil-a on a whim if I am having a craving. I keep our fridge stocked with fresh fruit and veggies and healthy snacks like natural popcorn when I need to little something.

 We have been eating a lot of kale and spinach smoothies around here lately as well. That is one way I can get my son to eat his greens, by disguising them with fruit and almond milk in a yummy smoothy. That has become our mid-morning snack everyday. I definitely feel better when I drink one of those, vs. eat a cookie or banana bread when I want something sweet!

Exercise:  I continue to enjoy running 3 days a week, lifting, doing Yoga, Pilates, and Barre workouts at home on the other days I'm not running. Doing all these different workouts help to keep me strong, toned, and flexible, all important for labor/delivery and post pregnancy. I feel great so far and plan to continue working out until I deliver. 

However, I always listen to my body, how I am feeling that day and during my workout. If I get to a point where it doesn't feel good to run anymore then I will stop and just focus on walking! 
Here are the 3 Workout DVD's I'm loving right now: 

Both the Slim and Toned Barre workout, and the Long and Lean Pilates workout are definitely challenging! My legs and glutes feel really toned and tight from these workouts! The yoga DVD is short and prefect for stretching and relaxing after a long day. I enjoy doing it after my son goes to bed and I feel a little stiff at the end of the day! I ordered all 3 DVD's on Amazon. 

Maternity Fashion: my maternity go-to's right now are my Body by Gap tanks and long sleeve tee's, H&M distressed skinny jeans and Nike or New Balance sneakers. I want to look cute, but I am all about comfort these days! But you can definitely looks cute and put together wearing your sneakers. I have a few other outfitting posts from last week when I styled my sneakers!

But, I am excited for spring and being able to wear my dresses as the bump continues to grow. They are so easy to wear and comfortable! 

Quiet time: I have been working on carving out a chunk of time each day (almost everyday) to have some quiet, uninterrupted time to do a devotional and to pray about my day. I have been eagerly getting up early each morning, which I have discovered is the best time of day for me. I am not distracted, or trying to multi-task 5 things at once, it's also nice and quiet in the house. 

I have made my quiet time a property to do first thing. Before I workout or get my busy day going, before my son and husband wake up. I have a cup of coffee, sit in my comfy chair and begin my day by reading my bible (I'm reading through psalms) and/or "Jesus Calling", a daily devotional by Sarah Young. 

By starting my day this way I feel so encouraged and energized, no matter how physically or emotionally tired I feel. Even if I only have 15 or 20 minutes. It makes a huge difference in how I face my day and helps get my heart and attitude in a better place if I'm struggling! I am a better wife to my husband and a better and mom to my son, if I take a little time each day to pray and have my quiet time with the Lord! This is something I am always working on, sitting, being still, and praying. I am a work in progress!

Thanks for following along with me on my pregnancy journey! As always, I love your comments and feedback!!  



Sporty chic: Styling sneakers

As a busy, pregnant, mom I really love and appreciate the sneaker trend! My feet, knees, and back are thanking me for wearing comfy, actually supportive, shoes for a change :) Sneakers can be chic and stylish with almost any way you wear them!

I recently purchased these Nike Free 5.0 shoes with the intention of them being my everyday, comfy, walking/lifting shoe. But I could pretty much wear them 24/7, with any outfit! (Or at least I want to) I chose the color black to match a lot of what's in my closet and so they don't get dirty as easily. I like my shoes to stay clean, and new looking for as long as possible, and go to great lengths to ensure this. I'm weird!

 Now I can run around after my toddler in these babies and feel good at the same time! It's a win, win! So give this look a try! Your feet will thank you. 

Outfit details: 
Sneakers: Nike Free 5.0
Cargo Skinnys: JBrand
Baseball tee: Macy's 
Diaper Bag: Timi & Leslie
Watch: Garmin


Pattern mixing: Gingham and Plaid

I love putting together unexpected looks! Pattern mixing is a fun way to add color and interest to an outfit. It is simple and pretty much impossible to mess up. Go ahead give it a try!! 

Gingham is a trend I love! It is preppy, casual, and easy to put together, and is trending this Spring 2015. It was the inspiration for this look. 

I have spring fever now that it's February and he have had some warmer weather! I know it's wishful thinking, but I am looking forward to spring time, longer days, warmer weather and a wardrobe change. Light weight jackets, dresses, blouses, floral patterns, less black and more color, all my favorite spring time, go-to looks. 

Faux fur vest: Target
Gingham button up: Target
Grey tee: Gap maternity  
Distressed Skinny's: H&M maternity 
Vintage Sneakers: New Balance 

Happy Springtime (well, almost!)



Wearing Winter Whites

Yes, it is totally acceptable to wear white after Labor Day! It's a nice change from blue denim, and looks chic and polished. 

I found these skinny white maternity jeans from the Gap last month for $5!! I love a good bargin and for a great wardrobe staple like white jeans. I will wear them a lot this spring 
and summer.

Skinny denim: Gap maternity
Sweater: Deal Diva (online boutique)
Vest: In Her Closet (online boutique)
Riding boots: Target

So ladies, dont be afraid to wear those white jeans this winter. Let's see what outfit combinations you can come up with! 
