
Stitch Fix

I decided to give Stitch Fix, an online monthly styling service a try in Janurary. I heard about it from a few fellow bloggers, and I thought it might be nice to let someone else be my stylist, since shopping is a bit more challenging with a toddler!

The online styling company sends you five new items each month based on a styling profile you fill out initially. You answer a questionnaire that asks all about your personal style, wardrobe needs, size and proportions, and budget. The more specific you are, the better idea their stylists have of your fashion wants and needs! So, I advise you to give detailed and accurate size information, as well as telling them what you are hoping to receive each month. That is the best way to ensure your getting what you want. 

There is a $20 per month styling fee, which is subtracted from whatever items you purchase that month. Included in the box is a stamped, return envelope for the items you do not want to keep. You have three business days to decide on what you want to keep. Then simply put the other items in the stamped envelope and send them back. It's very easy!

Each article of clothing and/or accessory also comes with a styling card giving you two outfitting suggestions for that item. The styling suggestion pictures helps give you a better idea of the items versatility and how to add it to your own wardrobe. I find that very helpful!

I received a very cute military style jacket,  prefect for spring in muly last box. I requested a jacket as one of the items they send me and I was very happy with the style and quality! I will definity be wearing it a lot the next several months as our crazy Colorado winter/spring weather keeps us on our toes! It's a great layering jacket!!
I am happy with my experience with Stitch Fix and will continue to use their monthly styling services and save myself a trip to the mall. Try it and let me know about your experiences! (Stitch Fix is not paying me nor am I benefitting from their services) I just love to tell my friends about fun, new, and easier ways to shop!

However, if you decide to use their styling services please use this link and referral code :) Thanks friends!


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