
Pregnancy update: 25 weeks

can't believe I have been pregnant for 6 months already! In a little over 3 months I'll be holding my sweet baby girl. I can't wait to meet her, kiss her sweet smelling head, and hold her tightly. 

I have enjoyed blogging about my pregnancy. It is a great way for me to look back, reflect, and remember all the moments that are so easily forgotten. What I was craving, how I felt, what I looked like each month. It's funny how quickly you forget all those details! 

So here are a few things that are happening in my 6th month of pregnancy:

Total weight gain: 15 pounds 

Cravings: the occasional chocolate, fruit, (especially oranges) and turkey. I have not had as many strong cravings this pregnancy. Maybe because I am constantly distracted by my toddler. I don't have time to run to diary queen or chick-fil-a on a whim if I am having a craving. I keep our fridge stocked with fresh fruit and veggies and healthy snacks like natural popcorn when I need to little something.

 We have been eating a lot of kale and spinach smoothies around here lately as well. That is one way I can get my son to eat his greens, by disguising them with fruit and almond milk in a yummy smoothy. That has become our mid-morning snack everyday. I definitely feel better when I drink one of those, vs. eat a cookie or banana bread when I want something sweet!

Exercise:  I continue to enjoy running 3 days a week, lifting, doing Yoga, Pilates, and Barre workouts at home on the other days I'm not running. Doing all these different workouts help to keep me strong, toned, and flexible, all important for labor/delivery and post pregnancy. I feel great so far and plan to continue working out until I deliver. 

However, I always listen to my body, how I am feeling that day and during my workout. If I get to a point where it doesn't feel good to run anymore then I will stop and just focus on walking! 
Here are the 3 Workout DVD's I'm loving right now: 

Both the Slim and Toned Barre workout, and the Long and Lean Pilates workout are definitely challenging! My legs and glutes feel really toned and tight from these workouts! The yoga DVD is short and prefect for stretching and relaxing after a long day. I enjoy doing it after my son goes to bed and I feel a little stiff at the end of the day! I ordered all 3 DVD's on Amazon. 

Maternity Fashion: my maternity go-to's right now are my Body by Gap tanks and long sleeve tee's, H&M distressed skinny jeans and Nike or New Balance sneakers. I want to look cute, but I am all about comfort these days! But you can definitely looks cute and put together wearing your sneakers. I have a few other outfitting posts from last week when I styled my sneakers!

But, I am excited for spring and being able to wear my dresses as the bump continues to grow. They are so easy to wear and comfortable! 

Quiet time: I have been working on carving out a chunk of time each day (almost everyday) to have some quiet, uninterrupted time to do a devotional and to pray about my day. I have been eagerly getting up early each morning, which I have discovered is the best time of day for me. I am not distracted, or trying to multi-task 5 things at once, it's also nice and quiet in the house. 

I have made my quiet time a property to do first thing. Before I workout or get my busy day going, before my son and husband wake up. I have a cup of coffee, sit in my comfy chair and begin my day by reading my bible (I'm reading through psalms) and/or "Jesus Calling", a daily devotional by Sarah Young. 

By starting my day this way I feel so encouraged and energized, no matter how physically or emotionally tired I feel. Even if I only have 15 or 20 minutes. It makes a huge difference in how I face my day and helps get my heart and attitude in a better place if I'm struggling! I am a better wife to my husband and a better and mom to my son, if I take a little time each day to pray and have my quiet time with the Lord! This is something I am always working on, sitting, being still, and praying. I am a work in progress!

Thanks for following along with me on my pregnancy journey! As always, I love your comments and feedback!!  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, baby girl's arrival is coming up! You're looking great and doing such an amazing job taking care of your body, baby and family! Love you!