
Fashion Fasting: Wearing only 7 outfits for a month!

It's time to simplify! I can't tell you how many times I have gone into my closet and thought: "I have nothing to wear". But, that couldn't be further from the truth!! I have not ONE, but TWO closets full of amazing clothes to wear. It's true, I am some what of a clothes horse and probably have too much! But, as a fashion lover and style seeker it is hard for me to not want to buy the latest and greatest. 

Recently though,  my eyes have been opened and my heart has been touched to want to change my ways. I am currently reading the book "Seven" by Jen Hatmaker. It's a great read about a woman who felt trapped by the lure of prosperity and excess in our society and in her own life. She talked about seven areas of excess in her life that she wanted to change. So for seven months she drastically simplified her life to get perspective on greed, materialism, and overindulgence and for God to work on her heart. This is a bold move!! As I started reading I immediately felt Gods conviction in my own life with materialism and discontentment. I have been blessed with so many wonderful things, but it's so easy to always be wanting MORE!! 

So, I am going to be doing my own "Seven" inspired simplification experiment for the month of September. 
For 30 days I will only wear 7 outfits!! For a fashion lover like me this is definitely a challenge. I usually don't repeat the same outfit in the same month! (Yes, I'm admitting that to you all) But, I feel that by doing this challenge I can gain some real perspective on contentment and being more thankful for what I have! 

I am excited yet nervous to share this months fashion fasting challenge with you. I will be posting pictures of my outfits throughout the month. My rules for this challange are that I can only wear the 7 outfits (already chosen) that are interchangeable for the whole month. I have emptied out my closet except for these items! That way I'm not tempted to cheat. Shoes and accessories are not included in the seven outfits. Those are the only things I can add or change for the month! You all are my accountability partners. I want to stick this out for whole month, but probably would not be able to, unless I share this journey with you. So thanks for coming along side me!! 

Let the month of fashion fasting begin...

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