
My August fitness challenge

A new month means a new fitness challenge! I completed the guns, buns and abs 30 day challenge yesterday and oh boy, it was definitely challenging!! I completed 250 squats, 40 push-ups and 100 leg lifts yesterday, which was the final workout for that challenge. I must say that I am really liking the definition in my legs and abs from all those squats and leg lifts, so each rep was well worth it in the end!! 

I decided to give my quads and glutes a bit of a rest this month from all those squats and focus on my arm strength. My son now weights about 25 pounds and is continuing to grow, so all the carrying I do definitely strengthens my biceps, but I feel my triceps need to be engaged a bit more. So, the arm routine I'm going to do 3-4 days a week will be primarily focusing on my triceps as well as my shoulders and back muscles. All of which are important for carrying a heavy baby around :)

I am also doing a 30 day running challenge. I read about it in Runners World magazine. Everyday for 30 days I am going to run at least 1 mile per day. I am no longer training for any races this year but I would like to maintain my fitness level and mileage I have achieved this summer after an 5k, 10K, and half marathon. I don't have a specific plan for my runs each day, as long as a run at least 1 mile. I will just base my runs on how I am feeling that day, and will alternate between running on my treadmill and outside.

Come on ladies and join me this month to test your strength, endurance, and feel better along the way! I'll post updates and pics of my progress along the way! 



beinspiredliving said...

I will join you and your arm toning challenge! Do you do any yoga? I have been enjoying the last couple months and find it very addicting

Unknown said...

I want to try a mile a day with you! I haven't been running much at all since the half, so maybe this will be a good way to pace back into it :) so encouraging!

Unknown said...

Yoga is the best! I've gotten my mom started on it and she loves it!

beinspiredliving said...

That is awesome Rachel! Do you have a favorite video or program that you use?

Unknown said...

YouTube is an awesome (and free) resource for yoga which I use frequently. One of my favorite workouts there is called Yoga Class #3 w/Dagmar Vinyasa Flow - Intermediate. It's really calming but still gives a really good burn and is challenging without being discouraging. What are some of your favorites?