
30 Day challenge

I came across another 30 day challenge on Pinterest that I started on July 1st. It's called the 30 day Guns , Buns and Abs challenge! Each day you are doing a specific number of squats, push ups, and  leg lifts. These exercises only take 5-10 mins to complete and can be done at home, no gym required! I love that I can do this while my son is napping or whenever I can find a few free mins throughout the day. 

I have definitely been seeing results, especially my legs/quads, glutes, and tummy! It is called a challenge for a reason, by the end of the 30 days you will be doing 260 squats!! If doing all the exercises at once is too challenging, break them up into sets and do them throughout the day. It has become part of my daily routine to do these exercises, knowing that I made a commitment with myself to do this challenge. I can't go to bed without doing the reps for that day, even if that means I'm doing them at 10pm before bed. 

Getting exercise everyday is very important for me as a wife and a mom. I want to be my best and the healthiest I can be, so I can be the best wife and mom I can be for my family! So, that means taking the time for myself to exercise. Even if your exhausted, if you get a little workout in, you will feel energized!!
Give this challenge a try! I promise you will see results and feel accomplished after 30 days!! 

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