
Being in community

I am so thankful to be apart of a MOPS (mothers of pre-schooler's) group at my church. It has been a way for me to make friends with other mom's in my stage of life, who can relate to what I am going through. 

Being a stay at home mom is such an amazing job and I am so lucky I get to be one. But, it can be isolating a times, having to spend more time at home for naps, ect. So getting together with other moms and their babies is so important for both myself and my son! 

We are not ment to do life alone, God created us for community and relationships, to share life with friends and family! So even though some days you just feel like hunkering down at home, staying in your pj's, and shutting the world out because it's easier to do, then to build relationships, don't sell yourself short! Take that step to call up a friend for a play-date, or the woman you just met last week, or join a new group and surround yourself with like minded people! You will be so glad to stepped out if your comfort zone and made the first move!

MOPS is an international group that meets in just about every city! So if you looking for a group where mom's get together to encourage one another, learn new things, and have a time to visit while their little one is in child care, then go to  MOPS.org to find a local group near you. 

I also volunteered to be on the hospitality team for my MOPS group which means I got to do some crafting!! I created the centerpieces for each table the women sit at, and decorated the food table with baskets for food, burlap table clothes and flowers. So fun for me!! 

Here is one of the centerpieces I created using a large size mason jar, sprayed painted to create mercury glass. I added foliage, feathers, burlap and a DIY chalkborad! I finally got to use some Pinterest ideas. I look forward to crafting more fun decor this year!



beinspiredliving said...

Sounds like a wonderful group to be a part of-And you are the perfect person for the hospitality committee! :-)

sekelly10 said...

Yes it is!! I love having other young moms to relate to. Its so important as a new mom to have others who support you and come along side you in this amazing, yet challenging season of motherhood!