
How to fight the flu this season!

I'll be fighting this flu season with a new approach: with essential oils! They are certified pure and organic, derived from plants. Which means they are safe to injest, and safe to use on infants!! I have already seen powerful results using a few different essential oils for ailments such as: acne, diaper rash, signs of a virus, restlessness, teething, upset stomach, bee sting, skin rash! I also use lemon oil as an all purpose, safe cleaner around my house, and add it to our water for flavor and to detoxify! 

I started using oils from a great company called DoTerra about 2 months ago. I am super excited about their products and have seen results first hand! I would rather invest in essential oils to prevent and treat sickness, then to fill our medicine cabinate with over-the-counter and perscription drugs and paying co-pays to see the Dr. 

Visit my DoTerra Website: www.mydoterra.com/sarahekelly/ to get more information about the benefits of using essential oils. You can order products right from my website! Or just click on the DoTerra picture (in my side bar to the right), and it will take you directly to me website. 

You can make your own flu imminuty blend using these DoTerra oils: Lemon, Melaleuca, On Guard, and Oregano! 
I'll be using this blend often for myself and my family this season! 


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