
My month of fashion fasting

Well the month of September is coming to an end. For the past month I have been on a fashion fast. Only wearing seven outfits for the 30 days in order to gain some perspective and to appreciate all the wonderful clothes that I have in my closet. 

I must say this challange has taught me that and more! It was really refreshing for me to NOT be standing in front of the
mirror day after day, trying on endless outfits, not feeling content with the clothing in my closet! Only having seven outfits to style and choose from simplified my life emencly! I definitely enjoyed that part of the fashion fast. 

I now have a greater appreciation for everything that I have been given and don't take those things for granted. I am lucky enough to have much more than seven outfits I can wear, more like 700!! I am excited to create lots of fun outfits for the fall using the other things in my closet. Everything seems new again because I haven't seen those clothes for a month.

I did spend a few days going through my closets, (yes closests is plural, I have 3) and getting rid of stuff I have not worn in 6 months! Most of it went to my clothing swap party, but I also donated a ton as well. It felt good to simplify and declutter my wardrobe. I am ready to start October with fresh start and refreshed closet!

 I know that having a closet full of new, expensive, amazing, clothes ultimately wont make me happy or fulfilled. I can spend hours trying to come up with the perfect new outfit to wear but, my relationship with the Lord is the ONLY thing that will truly fulfill me! 

I definitely encourage you all to read "Seven" by Jen Hatmaker. It was her book that inspired me to do the fashion fast for a month. Check it out. I am sure you will be as convicted as I was after reading her honest and funny thoughts. 


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