
Fashion Fast: Week 3

Well it's been 3 weeks since I have started my "fashion fast"....

Here are a few of my outfits from this past week. Only having seven complete outfits to wear for the month, surely has saved me a lot of time each day! My morning routine to get ready has been cut in half!! I love it!!
However, I feel like I am wearing the same outfit a lot. But, on the bright side I am getting a lot good use out of each outfit! 

I have to admit that there are many articles of clothing hanging in my closet that I bought and only wore once! Those clothes now seem wasteful to me, and I plan on cleaning out my closet at the end of the month and getting rid of items I have not worn in 6 months! 

Shopping for new clothes has a new meaning to me now. I want to buy wisely! Picking versatile items that I can wear over and over for the season, is my goal. I want to buy pieces I really love, not just settling for something thats ok because it on sale. That is how I end up with a closet full of clothes and I feel like I have nothing to wear! But that stops now!!  I probably wear the same 30% of my wardrobe about 95% of the time! So how am I going to accomplish my closet makeover, you ask?!

 Simplicity is key! Buy clothes for your lifestyle. I am a stay-at-home mom. I don't need a lot dressy clothes to go to "work" in. I pretty much wear jeans, tunics, and casual tops almost everyday. So these items are the closet staples I should focus on when shopping. Buying quality pieces, that flatter my figure, and are classics vs. really trendy styles. That way I can wear them for many seasons to come. By adding trendy accessories, jackets and shoes I can dress up my wardrobe staples, without spedning a fortune. I will have lots of outfits for my lifestyle as a mom, and for any occasion: date nights, coffee with friends, Church, errands, or playing on the floor with my son! My new shopping motto: quality or quantity.

Time to start purging my closet!! Pictures and my progress to come....


1 comment:

beinspiredliving said...

Now I just need you to come help me with my wardrobe! :-)