
Reflecting on 2014

Looking back on this past year I can't help but be thankful for all the things my family and I have been blessed with! A beautiful, healthy son, our home, four wonderful years of marriage, loving family and friends, the list goes on. Yet it's so easy sometimes to take all these things for granted. Wishing we have more or our circumstances were somehow different. I am reminded this holiday season and as another year comes to a close, the importance of thankfulness and contentment. 

Being thankful for all my circumstances, and all that I have can really have an affect on my my heart and my daily attitude. I want to wake up each day with a sense of graditude for all that God has given to me. Being grateful for the little blessings each day, like being able to stay at home and care for my son. For all the friends that have been brought into my life. For a loving, supportive husband. For the sun shining, and waking up to another day. 

I hope to live out 2015 with a sense of purpose each day, to be thankful for ALL the things going on in my life, and to love others as Jesus has loved me, unconditionally! 

Here are a few of our 2014 highlights:

Drake's first time at the beach in Florida at 3 months.

Running my half marathon in Estes Park 8 months after giving birth.

Drake's baby dedication to the Lord at our church in July.

Our family mountain getaway to Beaver Creek

Lots of visits to the zoo, Drakee loves the animals!

Our first trip to San Francisco to visit with family!

Surprise!! We're pregnant!! 

Drake turns 1!!

First visit with Santa

2014 was quite a year! We are very hopeful and expectant for what 2015 will bring!! Wishing you all a very blessed and Happy New Year :)



Homemade: Peppermint body scrub

Now that it is winter time and very dry, I am definitely needing to exfoliant my skin more often! I have tried several different natural body scrubs in the past. They work just fine, but can be a bit pricy. So I thought why not try making my own?! I found a super easy and inexpensive DIY exfoliant in Pinterest. 

Here is the simple recipe:

Makes a little more than 1 quart of body scrub
-2 cups sugar
- 1/4 cup coconut oil
- 10 drops peppermint essential oil

Melt the coconut oil, then add to sugar. Stir mixture. Add peppermint essential oil, (I use DoTerra oils). You can add more coconut oil if preferred, to get desired consistency. Put your scrub in a sealed container, I like to use the 1/2 quart, short mason jars. 

How simple is this? It smells yummy, is great for your skin, and cheap to make! Also makes a great gift :) 

Happy Holidays!!



Pregnancy Update: 17 weeks

I can't believe I am almost halfway through my pregnancy! Time has flown by these past few months. I must say having a toddler and it being the holidays has certainly kept me busy. At times I forget I am even pregnant! But then I look down and see my little bump and remember, oh yeah, there is a little person growing in there. 

Here are some updates about how the pregnancy has gone so far....

17 weeks (2nd pregnancy vs. my 1st)
Pretty darn close from the first pregnancy to the second. I have felt pretty much the same this time as I did last pregnancy. 

My Due date: May 24th

Weight gain so far: 4lbs ( I was super nauseous and lost weight the first trimester) I am trying to be mindful of what I am eating, maxinimizing calories I need to feed myself and baby in the healthiest way possible. If I want a cookie I eat one! Everything in moderation! 

Cravings: lots of carbs, (bread, cereal) protein (turkey, beef, peanut butter). Citrus fruit, (oranges and grapefruit.) I think my strangest craving has been a meatball sub from Subway! I never have eaten a meatball sub before but, a few weeks ago I wanted one everyday! 

Baby's Gender: We will find out the sex of the baby in January! We are excited to know if it's going to be another boy or a girl. I am a planner and would love to know what to buy and how to decorate.

Maternity Fashion: what I am wearing most these days...
-when I am at home, yoga pants, or my running capris, they are comfy and stretchy!
-leggings (faux leather or printed) & skinny jeans
-loose tunics and sweaters
-wearing what I can while I still can! I am not quite ready for all my maternity jeans and tops. I have plenty of time to wear those when my bump gets bigger :)

Workouts: now that my energy has returned, I am enjoying working out again! I love staying active and knowing that my baby will also benefit from exercise.

My daily workouts consist of one of the following: 
-walking/jogging on treadmill for at least 30 mins
- Tracy Anderson pregnancy project DVD (holy butt workout!!) 
-lifting weights focusing on my arms, shoulders, back, glutes, and legs
-And of course, lifting, carrying, chasing and playing with my 24lb, 13 month old son all day! It's a great arm toning workout :)

I feel truly blessed by the fact that I get to help nurture and grow this chid in my body! I want to do the best that I can with this. But, most of all I want to cherish this special time, with my husband, with my son,,and every moment God has blessed me with this gift of motherhood! 


What I Wore: Boyfriend jeans as maternity wear

We're having some unseasonably warm weather this week, so I decided to break out a fun, fall-like outfit and enjoy not bundling up for a change! 

I am still loving my boyfriend denim these days. Especially since I am pregnant! They are loose, comfortable, chic and stylish, when paired with the right top and accessories. When I wear this style denim I like to pair them with a dressier top, or jacket, shoes or scarf to dress them up. By simply putting on a pair of heels, or boots you and elevate your look, from super casual, to date night ready. It's that easy!

As my baby bump is now making an appearance these days, I totally appreciate the relaxed fit of boyfriend jeans. I can continue to wear them as I grow and still feel stylish. All you pregnant Momma's out there hear me loud and clear...maternity clothes do not need to make you feel frumpy! They can be cute and still on trend. It's my mission this pregnancy to show you just that! You also don't need to got out and buy a whole new maternity wardrobe. Use what you already have. Just learn to buy a size or two larger. 

Boyfriend jeans: Gap
Tweed Moto-Jacket: Gap
White tee: Target
Boots: DSW
Scarf: Target



Sunday Best Outfit and 14 weeks!

Well, I am 14 weeks pregnant and feeing great! My energy is back and I am feeling like my old self again, which I am so thankful for!! I am also still able to fit into my regular jeans, YAY! So, I am wearing them as long as possible!  But, I must say by the end of the day feel a little tight in the waist, as my bump expands :) 

I am determined to wear non-maternity clothes for as long as I can this pregnancy, to avoid buying a whole separate wardrobe. I think my first pregnancy I was so excited to show off my growing bump and wear actual maternity clothes, I went out and bought a ton of stuff I didn't need until I was 7 months along! 

This time around I will be able to wear my maternity wear from my previous prenancy, along with some newer regular sized items, that are loose fitting and larger sizes. I want to prove to ladies you can feel cute and fashionable, while rocking your growing baby bump :)

I have stocked up on a few of my maternity wear staples, over the last few weeks, in anticipation of my growing waistline. I will be sharing those with you soon. 

My Sunday Best outfit for church:
Fur Vest: thrifted
Blouse: Old Navy
Skinny Jeans: Levi's 
Boots: Anthropolgie
Necklace: The Deal Diva online boutique 



We're expecting baby # 2!

My husband and I are thrilled to share the happy news that we are expecting our second child!! We feel beyond blessed to be able to grow our family, and somewhat unexpectly! It was a wonderful surprise in early fall that learned of this awesome news. I am due the end of May, 2015! 

The first trimester was not an easy one. Plagued with morning sickness, (all day long) and incredible fatigue. Not to mention caring for a baby, now newly toddler, and all our family lives out of state! We were in survival mode for the month of October. Most of my time was spent in sweats on the couch, while my son played on the floor with his toys and books. My house was a disaster, cleaning was not a top priority for me! Cooking was not an option for me, so we ate carry out and bland foods. 

But we made it through the first trimester  and I am incredibly grateful for my husband stepping up and helping out in this very busy and trying season. He is such a wonderful, hands on Daddy to our son. Even though he works an incredibly tough job in law enforcement, he made time to help out around the house, cook, clean, grocery shop and graciously love me even through my hormonal meltdowns! I am so grateful for him and realize I am a very lucky woman!!

Now that I am in my second trimester, I am excited to share my journey of pregnancy with all of you and be transparent about all of my moments; the good, the bad and the ugly!

I will be posting about the following:
*My maternity fashion 
*Fitness and weight gain 
* Nutrition 
* Natural Childbirth 
* Adventures of raising a toddler
* And all that I am learning along the way!

Thanks for following along :)



Fall layers

So, I've been on a blogging break for a few weeks. Busyness, sickness, family and mothering, have needed more of my time and attention as of late. 

But, I am back! Ready to share, teach, and explore, with all of you. Thanks for continuing to follow along on this journey that I am on! It's an honor!!

Faux fur vest: Gap
Plaid shirt: Gap
Lace top: Clothed in Grace
Black leggings: Joes 
Boots: Nordstrom 



What to do with all the pictures on your phone!

I don't know about you, but I must take at least 100 pictures a month on my phone. I want to capture every mile stone of my son and that means taking almost daily pictures of him. I have every intention of making several scrap books with all the moments I have captured. But it can be overwhelming seeing hundreds of photos and wondering, "ok, what do I do with all these?" I also worry about the day my son accidentally drops my phone smack down on the pavement or in the toilet, then its bye bye phone and bye bye photos! These moments of my son's first year are irreplaceable!

So, what's my solution for all these photos? A friend of mine told me about an App called Groove Book. Its a free itunes app that you can download up to 100 photos every month, and they ship you a cute little booklet with all your photos. The photos can be torn out of the booklet to frame or scrapbook with! All for just $2.99 per month!! Plus you can order additional booklets to send to family members, like Grandma and Grandpa! They send you a reminder email each month to download your photos, so you wont forget. I thought this app was perfect for me and all my photos. It saves me money on printing photos, I definitely spend more than $2.99 per month if I am printing out photos at Walgreens, and the booklet is delivered to my house! Which saves me a trip to store.

I am not being paid by this company to sing their praises, I just wanted to tell all my friends about a cool thing I discovered that has saved me time and money!

Happy Monday!!



My month of fashion fasting

Well the month of September is coming to an end. For the past month I have been on a fashion fast. Only wearing seven outfits for the 30 days in order to gain some perspective and to appreciate all the wonderful clothes that I have in my closet. 

I must say this challange has taught me that and more! It was really refreshing for me to NOT be standing in front of the
mirror day after day, trying on endless outfits, not feeling content with the clothing in my closet! Only having seven outfits to style and choose from simplified my life emencly! I definitely enjoyed that part of the fashion fast. 

I now have a greater appreciation for everything that I have been given and don't take those things for granted. I am lucky enough to have much more than seven outfits I can wear, more like 700!! I am excited to create lots of fun outfits for the fall using the other things in my closet. Everything seems new again because I haven't seen those clothes for a month.

I did spend a few days going through my closets, (yes closests is plural, I have 3) and getting rid of stuff I have not worn in 6 months! Most of it went to my clothing swap party, but I also donated a ton as well. It felt good to simplify and declutter my wardrobe. I am ready to start October with fresh start and refreshed closet!

 I know that having a closet full of new, expensive, amazing, clothes ultimately wont make me happy or fulfilled. I can spend hours trying to come up with the perfect new outfit to wear but, my relationship with the Lord is the ONLY thing that will truly fulfill me! 

I definitely encourage you all to read "Seven" by Jen Hatmaker. It was her book that inspired me to do the fashion fast for a month. Check it out. I am sure you will be as convicted as I was after reading her honest and funny thoughts. 



Clothing Swap

Have you ever wanted to go shopping and not pay a dime? How is this possible you ask?! Well, this past weekend I hosted a clothing swap. I cleaned out my closet and picked out gently used fall and winter items. I invited my girlfriends to come and do the same. The result, my own boutique, filled with great fall and winter clothes ready to be shopped! We had over 200 artcles of clothing, and accessories for everyone to choose from! 

Each person received one ticket for every item brought and that was how many items they could swap. We shopped in rounds, making it fair for everyone. Each round you are allowed to pick 4 items at a time. At the end, all remaining items are donated to a local shelter. 

Having a clothing swap is a great way to update your wardrobe, and have a fun girls night. This will definitely be an annual event for me to host. All the ladies had a great time and everyone left happy with "new" cute clothes! 


Fashion Fast: Week 3

Well it's been 3 weeks since I have started my "fashion fast"....

Here are a few of my outfits from this past week. Only having seven complete outfits to wear for the month, surely has saved me a lot of time each day! My morning routine to get ready has been cut in half!! I love it!!
However, I feel like I am wearing the same outfit a lot. But, on the bright side I am getting a lot good use out of each outfit! 

I have to admit that there are many articles of clothing hanging in my closet that I bought and only wore once! Those clothes now seem wasteful to me, and I plan on cleaning out my closet at the end of the month and getting rid of items I have not worn in 6 months! 

Shopping for new clothes has a new meaning to me now. I want to buy wisely! Picking versatile items that I can wear over and over for the season, is my goal. I want to buy pieces I really love, not just settling for something thats ok because it on sale. That is how I end up with a closet full of clothes and I feel like I have nothing to wear! But that stops now!!  I probably wear the same 30% of my wardrobe about 95% of the time! So how am I going to accomplish my closet makeover, you ask?!

 Simplicity is key! Buy clothes for your lifestyle. I am a stay-at-home mom. I don't need a lot dressy clothes to go to "work" in. I pretty much wear jeans, tunics, and casual tops almost everyday. So these items are the closet staples I should focus on when shopping. Buying quality pieces, that flatter my figure, and are classics vs. really trendy styles. That way I can wear them for many seasons to come. By adding trendy accessories, jackets and shoes I can dress up my wardrobe staples, without spedning a fortune. I will have lots of outfits for my lifestyle as a mom, and for any occasion: date nights, coffee with friends, Church, errands, or playing on the floor with my son! My new shopping motto: quality or quantity.

Time to start purging my closet!! Pictures and my progress to come....



Cooking with pumpkin: Pancakes

My favorite time of year is here! I love the fall. The cooler weather, decorating my home with leaves, burlap, gords, and doing a lot of baking with my favorite ingredient: pumpkin! 

I decided to put a little spin on my pancake recipe this week. Adding pumpkin made the pancakes moist and super yummy! I highly recommend trying them. My husband and son couldn't get enough. It made our Saturday morning brunch a real fun treat. We topped our flapjacks with warm, real maple syrup, a dash of cinnamon, and a sprinkle of powdered sugar! I think these will be a breakfast favorite for a while :)

- 2 cups flour
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
-1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup pumpkin
- 3 cups butter milk
- 1/4 teaspoon ginger
1/4 teaspoon cloves
-1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 

Mix together dry ingredients, add eggs (whisk them separately, then add to dry ingredients) add butter milk. Mix until smooth. 
Makes 12 pancakes. Enjoy! 



How to fight the flu this season!

I'll be fighting this flu season with a new approach: with essential oils! They are certified pure and organic, derived from plants. Which means they are safe to injest, and safe to use on infants!! I have already seen powerful results using a few different essential oils for ailments such as: acne, diaper rash, signs of a virus, restlessness, teething, upset stomach, bee sting, skin rash! I also use lemon oil as an all purpose, safe cleaner around my house, and add it to our water for flavor and to detoxify! 

I started using oils from a great company called DoTerra about 2 months ago. I am super excited about their products and have seen results first hand! I would rather invest in essential oils to prevent and treat sickness, then to fill our medicine cabinate with over-the-counter and perscription drugs and paying co-pays to see the Dr. 

Visit my DoTerra Website: www.mydoterra.com/sarahekelly/ to get more information about the benefits of using essential oils. You can order products right from my website! Or just click on the DoTerra picture (in my side bar to the right), and it will take you directly to me website. 

You can make your own flu imminuty blend using these DoTerra oils: Lemon, Melaleuca, On Guard, and Oregano! 
I'll be using this blend often for myself and my family this season! 



New Blog Sponsor: Clothed in Grace

I wanted to introduce you to my new sponsor: Clothed in Grace. It's an online women's clothing boutique my friend Caitlin has recently started. She posts new items daily, they are adorable, on trend and a great price! My clothing shopping has just become easier, now I don't even have to leave my house to find cute new clothing! 

The name of Caitlin's boutique has a special meaning. She felt the name Clothed in Grace, reflects the words in psalms. That we are created to be confident, bold in His love, gracious, and merciful and that our true clothing comes from the love of our Creator. She believes that we are called to treat our bodies as works of the Creator, therefor dressing in a way that reflects what we believe. 

I love her perspective, and how Caitlin is using her faith to help woman feel beautiful and confidant in the clothing she sells, and that above all else, is doing this to Glorifing God! I am honored to wear her clothing and represent her business!!

Just click on the Clothed in Grace icon in my sidebar, and it will take you directly to her site! 

Here is an adorable stripped dress from her boutique! I have styled this dress with black leggings, riding boots and a leppard infinity scarf. 



What does 7 outfits for a month look like?!

What does seven outfits for a whole month look like?! How do you pick the right clothes to wear for the entire month? These are the questions I asked myself when I decided to do the "Seven" Fashion Fast for September. 

So, I pretended that I was going to Euorpe for 4 weeks and started "packing my bag" with some great basic and versatile pieces:
-skinny denim 
-boyfriend jeans
- basic tees in a few colors/patterns
- a skirt (for dressier occasion) 
- military jacket
- denim jacket
- white blouse
-cotton sweater
-flannel shirt
-a dress 

All if these pieces are interchangeable and are black/white/grey/green and stripes. Using a basic color palate makes it easy to mix and match. For an easy pop of color or pattern add a scarf, statement necklace or shoes to change up each outfit. Adding accessories makes it seem like your not wearing the same outfit for 4 weeks!

I also wanted to prove to you that simplifying your wardrobe does not mean you can't make some cute outfits!! 

These are the 7 outfits I pulled together for the month and are the only items adorning my closet at the moment...



Fashion Fast: Week 1

I must say I am loving a simplified wardrobe! It takes me half the time to pick out an outfit and get ready. I have more time to enjoy with my son and husband, and I am finding myself feeling a lot more content this week. 

I am so glad I am doing this fashion fast for a month. It is a time for me to reflect and feel greatful for the things I have and have been given. Plus, I love the challenge of putting together versatile outfits using the pieces I have chosen for the month. 

Here are my week 1 outfits:

Here is to simplifying your wardrobe to find more joy and graditude in your life!!



Being in community

I am so thankful to be apart of a MOPS (mothers of pre-schooler's) group at my church. It has been a way for me to make friends with other mom's in my stage of life, who can relate to what I am going through. 

Being a stay at home mom is such an amazing job and I am so lucky I get to be one. But, it can be isolating a times, having to spend more time at home for naps, ect. So getting together with other moms and their babies is so important for both myself and my son! 

We are not ment to do life alone, God created us for community and relationships, to share life with friends and family! So even though some days you just feel like hunkering down at home, staying in your pj's, and shutting the world out because it's easier to do, then to build relationships, don't sell yourself short! Take that step to call up a friend for a play-date, or the woman you just met last week, or join a new group and surround yourself with like minded people! You will be so glad to stepped out if your comfort zone and made the first move!

MOPS is an international group that meets in just about every city! So if you looking for a group where mom's get together to encourage one another, learn new things, and have a time to visit while their little one is in child care, then go to  MOPS.org to find a local group near you. 

I also volunteered to be on the hospitality team for my MOPS group which means I got to do some crafting!! I created the centerpieces for each table the women sit at, and decorated the food table with baskets for food, burlap table clothes and flowers. So fun for me!! 

Here is one of the centerpieces I created using a large size mason jar, sprayed painted to create mercury glass. I added foliage, feathers, burlap and a DIY chalkborad! I finally got to use some Pinterest ideas. I look forward to crafting more fun decor this year!



A Tip for Tuesday: a cure for diaper rash and sunburn

A little tip this Tuesday for all the moms out there! Did you know that certified pure lavender oil can cure diaper rash and sunburn?! The oil can be applied topically right on the effected area. 

My son had really bad diaper rash last week and coconut oil was not really doing the trick, so I applied my certified pure lavender oil to the rash areas everytime I changed his diaper and it was cleared up by the next day! Plus he smelled so wonderful!! 


DIY burlap wreath

Fall is one of my favorite times of year for decorating. Burlap, leaves, pumpkins, and gords, they all go together so beautifully! I was recently inspired while on Pinterest to make a burlap wreath for my front door for the fall season.

I found a tutorial on Pinterest on how to make my own wreath, only using a few items. I placed the "K" in the center of the wreath to add a little something more! I have the letter K decor throughout my house. 

Here is what you need to make your own wreath:

-a roll of burlap ( I used a roll of 20ft)
- wire wreath frame ( mine is 18in)
- wooden letter
-scrapbook paper
- mod podge, mate finish 
- burlap ribbon
-hot glue gun
- string or wire

Wrap wreath frame with burlap. Trace wood letter on scrapbook paper, cut, then paste scrapbook paper on wood letter. Using a hot glue gun, attach knotted string to the back of wood letter. Once it's dry, tie the string and secure to the wire wreath. Wrap burlap ribbon around the wreath for a final touch. 

Total cost of wreath: $12 at Michael's (don't forget your 40% off coupon, they send them out weekly in the paper or to your email)

Happy crafting!!


Fashion Fasting: Wearing only 7 outfits for a month!

It's time to simplify! I can't tell you how many times I have gone into my closet and thought: "I have nothing to wear". But, that couldn't be further from the truth!! I have not ONE, but TWO closets full of amazing clothes to wear. It's true, I am some what of a clothes horse and probably have too much! But, as a fashion lover and style seeker it is hard for me to not want to buy the latest and greatest. 

Recently though,  my eyes have been opened and my heart has been touched to want to change my ways. I am currently reading the book "Seven" by Jen Hatmaker. It's a great read about a woman who felt trapped by the lure of prosperity and excess in our society and in her own life. She talked about seven areas of excess in her life that she wanted to change. So for seven months she drastically simplified her life to get perspective on greed, materialism, and overindulgence and for God to work on her heart. This is a bold move!! As I started reading I immediately felt Gods conviction in my own life with materialism and discontentment. I have been blessed with so many wonderful things, but it's so easy to always be wanting MORE!! 

So, I am going to be doing my own "Seven" inspired simplification experiment for the month of September. 
For 30 days I will only wear 7 outfits!! For a fashion lover like me this is definitely a challenge. I usually don't repeat the same outfit in the same month! (Yes, I'm admitting that to you all) But, I feel that by doing this challenge I can gain some real perspective on contentment and being more thankful for what I have! 

I am excited yet nervous to share this months fashion fasting challenge with you. I will be posting pictures of my outfits throughout the month. My rules for this challange are that I can only wear the 7 outfits (already chosen) that are interchangeable for the whole month. I have emptied out my closet except for these items! That way I'm not tempted to cheat. Shoes and accessories are not included in the seven outfits. Those are the only things I can add or change for the month! You all are my accountability partners. I want to stick this out for whole month, but probably would not be able to, unless I share this journey with you. So thanks for coming along side me!! 

Let the month of fashion fasting begin...


Fall wardrobe update

With the fall season just around the corner, it was time to take a look at my closet and figure out what staple items I needed to revamp my wardrobe.

Knowing the specific items I was looking for, I started my shopping quest! Here is what I came up with:

1. A new military jacket:
A found this gem at a thrift store. Prefect for layering throughout the fall and winter season.

2. Plaid Shirt:
I've been looking everywhere for the past month for the perfect fitting plaid shirt! And of all places I found it in the men's section! The trend this fall is all about plaid!! It should be loose fitting to add a masculine, grunge feel. I'll be wearing this shirt a lot, with skinnys, a dress, layered with a chunky sweater and my leather jacket. (Lucky Brand) Also thrifted!

3. Quilted faux leather moto jacket:
I am so excited the for cooler weather so I can finally wear this jacket! I found this jacket on clearance at H&M this summer. A great layering piece that is both edgy and classic! The quilted pattern and feminine neckline makes this jacket a great update to the classic leather bomber jacket. 

4. Skinny jeans:
I can never have too many pairs of skinny jeans! Skinny denium is apart of my daily uniform for the majority of the fall, winter, and spring seasons. I always try on all my jeans in the fall and assess my needs, then shop for the proper fit and color. These Levi's skinnys are thrifted! 

5. Brown Booties
I wear mine with skinny jeans, skirts and dresses. I love this trend of boots because I can wear them with almost anything in my closet and they are comfortable to wear for a long time. Just make sure they are not too high! Your feet and knees will thank you. (From 

6. Leopard slip-on sneakers:
My go to shoe! I love how comfortable and sporty they are. I've been wearing sneakers all summer with denium shorts, and will continue this trend into the fall with this fun leopard pattern. I'll wear these with skinnys, or a dress and they will complete any outfit. (Old Navy)

I can't wait to start dressing for fall with all these great wardrobe essentials! 



Adventures in Infant traveling: Our weekend getaway to San Francisco

Reflecting back on our weekend get away to San Francusco, I am so thankful we went. Traveling with an infant can be challenging at times. Different bed, different surroundings, not taking ideal naps, packing everything baby might need, it can be a lot! But, we have flown several times this year with our little guy and after every trip is over I am always so glad we traveled, despite the many inconviences we faced. 
I think it's so important for us to expose our son to new places and experiences, and get us out of our comfort zone. He can learn to adapt more easily if his daily routine is mixed up for a few days/week. Because let's face it, life is full of change and learning to adapt! I am all for routines, but I also love adventure! I hope my children will learn to appreciate both.

Here are the highlights of our time in San Francisco:
-Hiking in Muir Woods (Red Woods forest)

-The Ferry Building Farmers Market 

Driving up and down Lombard Street
Campfire, cookout and s'mores at Muir Beach

Picnic and wine tasting in a private vineyard in Sebastopol (wine/apple country) with my sisters/husbands/boyfriend!
Sailing from Sasalito around the bay:
Walking around fishermans wharf and great views of the Bay Bridge
Visiting with family was definitely the highlight of the trip! Eating meals and visiting with each other, making fun memories together is something we will always cherish!! Can't wait to go back and discover more of San Fran. 

Here are a few tips for traveling with an infant:

1: stock up your diaper bag! Extra diapers, wipes, change of clothes(at least one change of clothes, maybe 2) socks, light jacket, plastic bag for dirty clothes(just in case) lots of snacks, (organic ready-made pouches are our favorite for traveling) toys, books, pure lavender essential oil, ( helps with restlessness, and motion sickness) sippy cup/bottle for water. I always pack enough for a whole day cause you never know if your plane will be delayed and your stuck at the airport for several hours!

2: Bring a new toy or book! My son will play with a new book or toy for hours! I will bring it out for him to play with ONLY when he becomes fussy on the plane. But, usually with all the people to see and magazines in the seatbacks, that keeps him occupied for a good portion of the flight. 

3: Make arrangements for a pack-and-play bed and stroller and car seat at your destination, if possible. My sister provided both a stroller and car seat for us and saved us a lot of hassle of flying with those extra items. 

4: Bring a baby wearing carrier! Our son spent a lot of time in his Ergo baby carrier as we were sight seeing. He was able to nap in his carrier while we were out and about! 

We can't wait for our next family travel adventure!!
